Unable to make the Live Auction but still want to support Northwest Christian School? Make a donation to PTF via the PayPal link below!

The mission of the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is to help promote the cause of Christian education and to enrich the educational experience of the students of Northwest Christian School by raising the funds to meet various educational and administrative needs. These needs would not be otherwise met within the constraints of the regular school budget. Monies raised by our various fundraisers have been used to purchase library books, physical education equipment, playground equipment, bleachers, computer equipment, science lab equipment, sports uniforms, supplies for art, as well as classroom supplies.

The Parent Teacher Fellowship consists of Christian parents, grandparents and alumni who are committed to the students and staff of Northwest Christian School. Meetings are held once a month at NCS. All parents are encouraged to participate in this vital ministry. Communications from PTF are through the Home Announcements, e-mails, telephone calls, sign-up sheets which are posted on our bulletin board (located across from the office in the main hallway) and at our meetings.

PTF Meeting Time: PTF meetings are the 2nd Friday of each month at 8:15am.

Prayer Closet: Parents/grandparents gather for prayer every Wednesday at 8:15 am. This is a wonderful time to lift the children and the entire school up to the Lord and give Him praise and honor and glory.

Teacher Appreciation Luncheons: To show appreciation to the teachers and staff of NCS, quarterly luncheons are held in their honor. Parent volunteers prepare and supply the meal and others cover the classrooms so the teachers can have a full hour to enjoy the luncheon.

Sponsorships – One way to support the PTF is through sponsoring an event. Sponsorships are available at several levels. Using the “Paypal Donate” button above, select from one of our main events to become a sponsor. If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the PTF board members.